On Saturday nights at Church of the Resurrection I lead a service that includes about a half hour of teaching, followed by a short worship service. In these videos, I teach through books I have written so people have the opportunity to not only read the books, but also watch or listen. These videos are used by several small groups and congregations for Bible studies, midweek services, and catechism classes, and also by individuals who watch them on their own for personal growth.

SALVATION AND HOW WE GOT IT WRONG What if everything you’ve been told about salvation is wrong? For nearly a thousand years Christians have been hearing and repeating a story about why Jesus died on the cross. It’s the only story of salvation most of them have ever heard. And it’s wrong. The Bible doesn’t have that story and the early Christians never heard that story - they never believed it. In Salvation And How We Got It Wrong we revisit the story of our salvation, retelling it like the early Christians told it. No longer a tale of an angry God punishing his Son in payment for crimes against his honor, it becomes a tale of a loving God doing all in his power to bring healing to a humanity he desperately cares for.

HOW CHRISTIANS PRAY is a 13 part series based on the book by the same title. In this series we do an in depth exploration of the Lord’s Prayer. Each line of the prayer is unpacked to reveal the riches of the prayer Jesus gave his followers as a model for approaching God.

THE END IS NEAR…OR MAYBE NOT! is a 17 part series based on the book by the same title. What does the Bible really say about the future? Should we expect horrible things or hopeful things? Does the world end with a bang, or with a whimper - or neither? Is it possible that the popular preachers and novelists have completely missed the point? In this series I offer a sensible, biblical, and historic alternative to the sensationalism of our day. In this series I replace pessimism with optimism and dread with anticipation and offer a fresh but ancient understanding on things like the Great Tribulation, the Millennium, and just what our future holds.

LET’S TALK ABOUT HELL is a 7 part series based on the book by the same title. Is hell a place where most people will spend eternity in torment? Is it God's house of everlasting torture? Is that the kind of God Jesus is? What if hell weren't what we have been led to believe? What if there was good news, even about hell itself? This series will lead you through what the Bible has to say about hell, and how the early Christians understood it.

WORDS is a 12 part series based on the book by the same title. It is a study of a dozen or so important words in the Bible that probably don't mean what you think they mean!

WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE is a 14 part series based on the book by the same title. In this series we do an in depth exploration of the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.

HOW CHRISTIANS WORSHIP is a 16 part series based on the book by the same title. Join me as we explore the worship based on the ancient shape of the liturgy still used by the majority of Christians throughout the world. In this series I look at worship as a drama, as a play, in which we are all actors playing our parts in a production called “The Great Thanksgiving,” put on for an audience of ONE - God. Worship is not something we do for ourselves, nor is the primary purpose for us to “get something out of it”; rather, it is a grand drama of praise that celebrates what Christ has done for us, which we offer to God.

HOW CHRISTIANS BEHAVE is a 12 part series based on the book by the same title. In it we explore the 10 Commandments as a tool God gave us, not for salvation, but for a good and prosperous life.